Closing of the Bouchard Museum on March 14 2007
The official statement which announced the closing of the Bouchard Museum launched abundant media coverage, resulting in a very significant number of visitors coming to the museum between January and March, reaching as many as 380 entries on Wednesday March 14, 2007, being its last day.
Some among you who would have liked to have visited that day gave up standing in line, others regretted not having been able to come on Wednesday or Saturday and we find ourselves having difficulty answering the pleas and expressions of sympathy from all concerned.
Press articles on the closing of the Bouchard museum in Paris, and to the transfer of the collections to the museum of the Swimming pool of Roubaix are available:
Le Figaro 10/03/2007 : download
Journal du Dimanche 11/03/2007 : download
Le Parisien 15/03/2007 : download
Le Bien Public 15/03/2007 : download "Une" - download
Le Nouvel Obs Paris Ile de France 15 au 23 Mars 2007 - download - download
Valeurs Actuelles 23 Mars 2007 : download
Bourgogne Magazine Mars 2007 : download p1 - download p2
For opening hours of the restored workshop, please inquire at La Piscine museum 03 20 69 23 60.